
OEM Customized Cellulose Thickening Agent - Carboxymethyl cellulose CMC-Mophato oa Lijo - Yeyuan

OEM Customized Cellulose Thickening Agent - Carboxymethyl cellulose CMC-Mophato oa Lijo - Yeyuan

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Re ntse re ikemiselitse ho fana ka theko ea tlholisano, lihlahisoa tse ntle haholo le litharollo tsa boleng bo holimo, ka nako e ts'oanang le ho fana ka thepa ka potlako.HPMC bakeng sa kaho,Polyanionic Cellulose Polymer,Mekelikeli ea ho Cheka ea Qmax , Haeba u khahliloe ke eng kapa eng ea lihlahisoa tsa rona kapa u batla ho tsepamisa maikutlo ho fumana motho ka mong, ka kopo ikutloe u lokolohile ho ikopanya le rona. Re labalabela ho theha likamano tse atlehileng tsa likhoebo le bareki ba bacha lefatšeng ka bophara nakong e haufi le nako e telele.
OEM Customized Cellulose Thickening Agent - Carboxymethyl cellulose CMC-Food grade – Yeyuan Detail:

Mofuta oa lijo oa CMC: FL30 FL100 FL6A FM9 FH9 GFH9 FH10 FVH9-1 FVH9-2 FM6 FH6 FVH6
Sodium carboxymethyl cellulose (CMC) e na le mesebetsi e mengata lijong, joalo ka ho tenya, ho etsa emulsification, ho emisoa, ho boloka metsi, ho matlafatsa matla, ho atolosa le ho boloka. Lintho tsena tsa CMC ha li bapisoe le li-thickeners tse ling. Ha e sebelisoa lijong, e ka ntlafatsa tatso, ea ntlafatsa boemo le boleng ba lihlahisoa, 'me ea lelefatsa bophelo ba sethala.

Mesebetsi ea CMC Tlhahisong ea Lijo

1. Thickening: fumana viscosity ka tlaase concentration. E ka laola viscosity ts'ebetsong ea ho lokisa lijo le ho fa lijo maikutlo a ho tlotsa ka nako e le 'ngoe;
2. Ho boloka metsi: fokotsa ho fokotseha ha lijo le ho lelefatsa bophelo ba lijo;
3. Botsitso ba ho hasana: ho boloka botsitso ba boleng ba lijo, ho thibela stratification ea metsi a oli (emulsification), le ho laola boholo ba likristale lijong tse leqhoa (fokotsa likristale tsa leqhoa);
4. Ho theha filimi: etsa lera la filimi ea sekhomaretsi lijong tse halikiloeng ho thibela ho monya ho feteletseng ha oli;
5. Ho tsitsa ha lik'hemik'hale: e tsitsitse ho lik'hemik'hale, mocheso le leseli, 'me e na le ho hanyetsa hlobo ho itseng;
6. Metabolic inertia: e le motsoako oa lijo, e ke ke ea sebelisoa 'me e ke ke ea fana ka mocheso lijong.

Tšebeliso ea CMC Lijong

1.Lactic acid baktheria seno seno
Lijo tsa yogurt
Ho eketsoa ha CMC ho ka thibela pula le stratification ea protheine ka seno;
E etsa hore seno se be le tatso e ikhethang le e khathollang, e etsang hore seno se latsoehe haholo;
CMC e na le mokhoa o motle oa ho fetola, o netefatsang botsitso ba lino tse nang le asiti le bophelo bo bolelele ba sethala
Khetho e khothalelitsoeng: gfh9; FL100; FVH9
Keketso ea chelete (%): 0.3-0.8
2. Senoelo sa cocoa
Seno sa tsokolate
Ntlafatsa phello ea ho hasana le botsitso le ho thibela ho eketseha ha viscosity nakong ea polokelo; Ntlafatsa botsitso ba lintho tse tiileng tse emisitsoeng;
Khetho e khothalelitsoeng: gfh9; FL100
Keketso ea chelete (%): 0.4-0.8
3. Li-noodle tsa hang-hang
Ntlafatsa matla a ho boloka metsi, ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea ho boloka, ho ntlafatsa khanya le li-tendon, ho eketsa matla le ho thibela ho robeha;
Khetho e khothalelitsoeng: FVH6
Keketso ea chelete (%): 0.3-0.5
Lihora tse 4
Ho tlatsa kaka ea khoeli
Fana ka thixotropy e itseng, thibela ho felloa ke metsi, ho ntlafatsa botsitso ba polokelo;
Ntlafatsa ho hasana le botsitso ba ho tlatsa tse fapa-fapaneng, ho boloka viscosity e itseng, eketsa nako ea ho boloka;
Fana ka tatso e itseng e boreleli;Likuku le likuku
Khetho e khothalelitsoeng: FVH6;FVH9
Keketso ea chelete (%): 0.3-0.6
5. Li-dumplings tse leqhoa
Wonton e leqhoa
Ntlafatsa matla a ho boloka metsi, ho ntlafatsa ts'ebetso ea ho boloka, ho ntlafatsa khanya le li-tendon; Thibela ho phatloha le serame sa bobeli ho hlahisa likristale tsa leqhoa;
Khetho e khothalelitsoeng: FVH6
Keketso ea chelete (%): 0.4-0.8
6. Ke molala
Mokotla oa hang-hang oa sauce ea noodle
Ntlafatsa likarolo tse fapaneng ka har'a soy sauce le mokotla oa soso, qhala likarolo tse fapaneng tsa li-condiments ebe u li etsa homogenize;
Khetho e khothalelitsoeng: FH9
Keketso ea chelete (%): 0.3-0.5
7. Ham boroso
Ntlafatsa sebopeho sa mokhatlo oa lihlahisoa le ho etsa hore tatso e be bonolo;
Khetho e khothalelitsoeng: FVH6
Keketso ea chelete (%): 0.4-0.8
8. Ice cream
Hlahisa katoloso e nepahetseng, hlahisa lisele tse ntle, ho ntlafatsa ho qhibiliha ha molomo le ho ntlafatsa tatso;
Thibela likristale tsa leqhoa nakong ea polokelo le ho ntlafatsa ho boloka sebopeho.
Khetho e khothalelitsoeng: FVH6
Keketso ea chelete (%): 0.3-0.5

Litšoantšo tsa lintlha tsa sehlahisoa:

Moemeli ea Thickening ea Cellulose ea OEM - Mophato oa Carboxymethyl cellulose CMC-Lijo - Litšoantšo tsa Yeyuan

Moemeli ea Thickening ea Cellulose ea OEM - Mophato oa Carboxymethyl cellulose CMC-Lijo - Litšoantšo tsa Yeyuan

Moemeli ea Thickening ea Cellulose ea OEM - Mophato oa Carboxymethyl cellulose CMC-Lijo - Litšoantšo tsa Yeyuan

Moemeli ea Thickening ea Cellulose ea OEM - Mophato oa Carboxymethyl cellulose CMC-Lijo - Litšoantšo tsa Yeyuan

Moemeli ea Thickening ea Cellulose ea OEM - Mophato oa Carboxymethyl cellulose CMC-Lijo - Litšoantšo tsa Yeyuan

Moemeli ea Thickening ea Cellulose ea OEM - Mophato oa Carboxymethyl cellulose CMC-Lijo - Litšoantšo tsa Yeyuan

Moemeli ea Thickening ea Cellulose ea OEM - Mophato oa Carboxymethyl cellulose CMC-Lijo - Litšoantšo tsa Yeyuan

Tataiso e Amanang ea Sehlahisoa:

Mokhatlo o ts'ehetsa filosofi ea "Be No.1 ka boleng bo holimo, e thehoe holim'a boemo ba mokoloto le ho ts'epahalla kholo", e tla tsoelapele ho sebeletsa bareki ba khale le ba bacha ba tsoang hae le mose ho maoatle ka botlalo bakeng sa Moemeli oa Customized Cellulose Thickening Agent - Carboxymethyl cellulose. CMC-Mophato oa Lijo - Yeyuan , Sehlahisoa se tla fana ka lefats'e ka bophara, joalo ka: Armenia, Qatar, Israel, Mokhatlo oa rona. E lutse ka har'a litoropo tse tsoetseng pele tsa naha, baeti ba bonolo haholo, maemo a ikhethang a libaka le moruo. Re phehella "mokhatlo o shebaneng le batho, o bohlale oa ho etsa lintho, oa ho fana ka maikutlo, o theha mokhatlo o motle". seosophy. Tsamaiso e tiileng ea boleng bo holimo, tšebeletso e tsotehang, litšenyehelo tse utloahalang Myanmar ke boemo ba rona boemong ba tlhōlisano. Haeba ho hlokahala, o amohelehile ho ikopanya le rona ka leqephe la rona la marang-rang kapa ka therisano ea mohala, re tla thabela ho u sebeletsa.
  • Lihlahisoa tsa k'hamphani hantle haholo, re rekile le ho sebelisana ka makhetlo a mangata, theko e nepahetseng le boleng bo tiisitsoeng, ka bokhutšoanyane, ena ke k'hamphani e tšepahalang!
    5 Linaleli Ka Chris oa Saudi Arabia - 2017.10.23 10:29
    Lihlahisoa le lits'ebeletso li ntle haholo, moetapele oa rona o khotsofetse haholo ka theko ena, e betere ho feta kamoo re neng re lebelletse,
    5 Linaleli Ka Genevieve ho tsoa New York - 2018.11.02 11:11